Saturday, January 27, 2007

Emulation is the sincerest form of flattery

A wise man once said "You write like the authors you read." (OK, it wasn't a wise man, it was just a guy who's smarter than me and I think he was just trying to impress a certain female radio personality during a classroom discussion.)


The thing is, he had a point — the last three books I read were all by the same eminent American doctor and I'm starting to see his inspiration in my words.


My name is Ed, sad but true
I have a son, he's from a zoo.

He likes to make my hair go grey.
"Please be calm" at night I pray.

He can't sit still for very long
And once he broke my favourite bong

He likes to bounce on mommy's bed
But then he landed on her head.

He runs and jumps and yells and screams.
Yet when he's good gets ice cream.

Now it's time he went to bed.
But not a tear I shall shed.

When he sleeps he's so darn sweet.
Raising Alex can't be beat.


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