My son Alex is now four, an age when, according to my dad, I should stop coddling him and start imparting him with the wisdom for a successful life.’
Like a 39-year-old student with a part-time job has much advice to offer.
Conversely, the only piece of advice I can remember my father giving me (which, judging from my intimate knowledge of the Canadian Young Offenders Act, I ignored) was : "If one of your friends has a really good idea that ends in '. . . and then we run like hell,' it's not such a good idea."
So, just to be on the safe side, I passed on a PG-version of the advice this morning.
Alex: "What does 'run like H-E-Double Hockey Sticks' mean?"
Me: "Run really fast."
Alex: "Why didn't you say 'Run really fast'"
Me: "I guess because I hadn't though it out really well."
Alex: "Why."
Me: "I guess I was preoccupied."
Alex: "Why"
Me: "'Cause I got a lot of things to do"
Alex: "Why"
Me: "'Cause I have to work tomorrow and I got a lot of homework and the kitchen looks like a bomb hit it and someone tried building a castle on an Eggo waffle covered in peanut butter."
Alex: "Why"
Times like these I wish I could run.
Instead I told Alex to go get the waffle and have some breakfast.So. . . in a bid to become a better parent AND get my course work done, I've started following the advice of the DotMoms and their tips on better babies through blogging.
You should too. http://roughdraft.typepad.com/dotmoms/2006/10/better_babies_t.html
Like a 39-year-old student with a part-time job has much advice to offer.
Conversely, the only piece of advice I can remember my father giving me (which, judging from my intimate knowledge of the Canadian Young Offenders Act, I ignored) was : "If one of your friends has a really good idea that ends in '. . . and then we run like hell,' it's not such a good idea."
So, just to be on the safe side, I passed on a PG-version of the advice this morning.
Alex: "What does 'run like H-E-Double Hockey Sticks' mean?"
Me: "Run really fast."
Alex: "Why didn't you say 'Run really fast'"
Me: "I guess because I hadn't though it out really well."
Alex: "Why."
Me: "I guess I was preoccupied."
Alex: "Why"
Me: "'Cause I got a lot of things to do"
Alex: "Why"
Me: "'Cause I have to work tomorrow and I got a lot of homework and the kitchen looks like a bomb hit it and someone tried building a castle on an Eggo waffle covered in peanut butter."
Alex: "Why"
Times like these I wish I could run.
Instead I told Alex to go get the waffle and have some breakfast.So. . . in a bid to become a better parent AND get my course work done, I've started following the advice of the DotMoms and their tips on better babies through blogging.
You should too. http://roughdraft.typepad.com/dotmoms/2006/10/better_babies_t.html
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