Saturday, April 7, 2007


My son has started lying.
Experts, however, claim you shouldn't punish a preschool for fibbing, it's all a natural part of development.
I'm punishing him anyway.
Not for lying, necessarily, but for thinking I'm dumber than a hard-boiled egg.
I was watching the Canucks clinch their division the other day when I realized it had been at least two minutes since I heard any sound from Alex.
I immediately jumped to my feet and raced into the kitchen, where I caught him standing on a chair in front of the sink with blue food colouring completely covering his mouth and hands.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Where did you get all that blue stuff?" I asked again.
"Alex, your hands are all blue. How did they get that way?" I demanded.
"The cat."
I smiled, but bit my tongue and continued.
"Alex, were you playing with an Easter Egg? " I asked.
"Well, remember mommy and daddy saying that we don't put unpeeled eggs in our mouth. You could choke on the shells," I warned.
"But daddy, I didn't put any egg in my mouth," he said through his blue-stained teeth.
"Alex, go to your room. And on the way past the bathroom, look in the mirror."

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PapaWheelie said...
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