Friday, March 30, 2007

Right on the money

It’s been a weird week.
One of the nicest people I’ve ever met has turned out to be a left-wing radical, my son is now riding his bike to school and the Canucks have made the playoffs.
Strange how dissimilar things can all be tied together.
My friend Elecia, bless her tree-hugging heart, passed on a recipe for removing the toxic black mold problem in my apartment. As you know, black mold can be lethal, but my tie-dyed friend said a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda would clean the mold right up. She swore this is what she uses to get bong-resin stains out of her shag carpet in her VW van, so I tried it.
Of course, it didn’t work, and I wasted $5 worth of lemons, but no real harm done.
Alex started riding without training wheels on Friday and by Saturday we bought him a new bike, mountain bike gloves and a neat little Orca bike horn. By Saturday the whole package had been devalued by about 50 per cent. He crashed so many times, the bike’s paint is scratched through to the frame, the gloves have a hole in them and the whale is now a two-piece unit.
About the only positive thing to come out of my week was the Canucks. The $100 I put on them with Bodog at the beginning of the season to win the Cup is now looking like a pretty shrewd bet. 100 to 1 (now down to 10 to 1) would pay out $10,000 US, enough to get Alex some new gloves and pads and pay a professional to come in and wipe out the mold problem.


Aleksandar said...

Hey, if you come on top with that bet, you can even invite your long forgotten ex-neighbours who live in Edmonton now to celebrate the winning with you. I will keep my fingers crossed, for Marko's sake- who still wants to wear his Canucs jersey to school.

PapaWheelie said...

I am proud of your son.
Odds aren'twith the Canucks, but that's why it's caleld gambling.

Elecia Chrunik said...

If there is one thing a parent can do for their child, it is to set a positive example by behaving in a way that instills responsibility and integrity.
This includes telling the truth. For example, if you say something like Person A owns a VW van, you should be sure that she does and that it's not her brother and father that each own said vehicle. And you should also consider that she would never do anything as disrespectful as dirtying their beautiful skyblue shag carpet.

PapaWheelie said...

My deepest apologies. I guess all the second-hand bong smoke clouded my vision.